
Cultivating Power for Liberatory Transformation

Join us for an upcoming Prefiguring Futures Lab!

We are excited to host the Prefiguring Futures Lab—a rigorous, sacred, and liberatory learning space for people working to advance liberatory transformation to be in practice together.

We hope you can join us at the upcoming Lab on June 24-28, 2024! Learn more and apply below.

The Lab Experience

This five-day in-person experience will bring together a small group of social justice practitioners, facilitators, grassroots leaders, and justice funders who are already experimenting and practicing with the five elements of transformation. It will be an opportunity to dive into the elements, share practices, learn, and unlearn together. 

We will work together to co-create a rigorous, creative, and liberatory learning and practice space. We will connect with ourselves, and each other, deepening our interdependence and ways of being and doing in service of building and sustaining thriving movements.

Design is emergent, co-created, and rooted throughout the time in practicing liberation (influenced by the work of Monica Dennis), connecting, engaging, embracing, and reweaving:

  • Body: Physical practice like dance, 10-Step, breath, and neurosomatic practices
  • Source: Nature walks, meditation/prayer, and quiet time
  • Emotions: Learning and moving from and with our emotions
  • Story: Story telling orally, in pictures, and in song

Areas of Inquiry & Practice

  • A Theory of Transformation: Connecting to and deepening our pathways and portals to the next world now
  • Complexity: Sense-making and strategy in the emergent and chaotic
  • LANDS (Liberation AND Sovereignty): Unlearning and learning, reclaiming, and reconnecting
  • Shared Leadership and Power: Engaging with power over, with, and within, embracing generative conflict and mutual accountability
  • Multiple Ways of Knowing: Leveraging creativity, intuition, energy, soma, and the natural world as guides
  • Inner Work: Moving with purpose, source, and the sacred
  • Hands-on:  Experimenting our way forward, application, and reflection

Learn more about the Prefiguring Futures Lab and apply for the June Lab below!

The Details

Start & End Time

Start Time: 11 AM EST on Monday, June 24, 2024
End Time: 11 AM EST on Friday, June 28, 2024


Tarrytown House Estate, Tarrytown, NY


Hotel rooms will be provided onsite from Monday night, June 24 – Thursday night, June 28 with checkout on Friday morning. We can also cover the cost of rooms for people coming from the west coast who may need to arrive on Sunday. We will cover meals from Monday at lunch through Friday breakfast. 


The closest major airport is LaGuardia. JFK and Newark are a bit further. The closest airport is Westchester County Airport.

Registration Cost

We are asking folks to contribute what they can between $750 and $7,500+. The actual cost to Change Elemental is approximately $15,000 per person. Change Elemental will be subsidizing this cost significantly. Please see below for suggested registration fees. 

Your registration fee will cover the program, lodging, onsite group meals, and snacks. This fee does not include the cost of travel to the location. We will have a pool of funds to offer travel subsidies to folks needing travel support.

Participation is on a sliding scale and we ask that you contribute based on the suggestions below. Please select an option that best describes your situation and the amount you’ll pay.

Prices RangesOrganizational Budgets
$7,500Free the Money Rangephilanthropy, organizational budgets or assets over $10 million
$5,000Build the Lab Rangeorganizational budgets, or assets of $6-9 million
$3,000Core Range IIorganizational budgets of $3-5 million
$1,500Core Range Iorganizational budgets of $1-3 million
$750Solidarity rangeindependent artists, healers, and organizational budgets less than $1 million

If these amounts prohibit you from participating, please reach out so we can design an alternative that meets your needs. 

We are looking to create a container that includes up to 20 people who play a variety of roles in our movements. We will not consider the registration contribution you have specified above when reviewing applications. Apply Now!

Application Form: Prefiguring Futures Lab – April 14-18, 2025

Application Due Date: December 13, 2024

If you have questions about applying, please reach out to us at

Contact Information


Share a bit about yourself and your interest

Demographic Questions

To support our efforts to bring together a diverse group of movement actors and collect information that will help us convey the Lab’s community and impact to potential funders, we ask that you share some demographic data below.
Race/Ethnicity (Check any that apply)(Required)
Gender (check any that apply)(Required)
Sexual Orientation (check any that apply)(Required)
Are you a primary caregiver, either full-time or part-time? (Check any that apply)(Required)
Movement role (check any that apply)(Required)

Registration Fee

No payment is required to complete the application. If your application is accepted, a deposit will be required to secure your spot. Please select the amount you/your organization can contribute to the cost of the Lab.
Payment Amount(Required)
If you are staff of an organization whose budget is $2 million or above or an individual of considerable means (by your definition), we ask you to consider paying for your food and lodging as an additional flat fee of $1,600.
Yes, I would like information on the pool of funds for travel subsidies.(Required)

Once you hit submit, you will be taken to a confirmation page that lets you know the form went through. We will be in touch after soon to notify you about your application. Thank you!