Change Elemental’s Karl Mathiasen Equity & Innovation Fund is a philanthropic fund that subsidizes networks, organizations, and leaders that could not otherwise afford coaching and consulting engagements. It also seeds innovative programs that experiment with ways to advance change in unpredictable times. We launched the fund in 1995 to honor our co-founder, Karl Mathiasen, and to ensure his commitment to innovation, catalytic transformation, and social justice would be felt for generations to come.
Protest with big banner that says "fake news? fake economy!" and an artistic floatPhoto credit: Fibonacci Blue | CC BY 2.0

To Apply to the Fund

We determine eligibility for a subsidy in the exploratory, early stages of an engagement. We prioritize groups that are working with communities of color and low-income communities, deepening their understanding and practices of the elements critical to advancing a thriving justice ecosystem, and pursuing innovative strategies for addressing today’s most entrenched problems.

To learn more about applying for funding, please contact us.

To Donate to the Fund

Since the fund’s inception, gifts from committed individuals and philanthropic institutions have supported work with over fifty leaders, organizations, and networks. Together, we can ignite change exponentially more powerful and equitable than what any of us can spark alone. Please consider contributing to the fund today.

“The Inner Activist’s partnership with Change Elemental resulted in establishing clear pathways forward through programming decisions that are responsive to emergence in our communities and in the learning spaces we create.”

Tahia Ahmed, The Inner Activist
Photo of Large group of training participants

Co-create With Us

Together we can combine the elements of transformative change to fundamentally remake our world into one of love, dignity, and justice.

Contact Us