As an organization, Change Elemental has been seeking depth without drowning (h/t Co-lab), moving with purpose and synchronicity as we cultivate pathways that build power, both with and within, to transform the being and doing necessary to advance liberation. Last year, we shared a theory of liberatory transformation, one that guides our journey and our work with clients and partners. It is “a” theory—we don’t claim to have invented or to own this way of working and being in the world. It has grown from the rich soil of many conversations, readings, stories, and experiences with partners, clients, nature, ancestors, our bodies, art, community wisdom, etc.
We make another offering to you, one that honors the Black feminist roots of this theory of transformation. Leaning into multiple ways of knowing, Elissa Sloan Perry’s sharing of story—her influences, ways of understanding, and imaginings that moved her towards both getting and being free—uplifts some of the seeds that grew this co-created theory of transformation.
We encourage you to watch Elissa tell you her stories above, download the chapbook of the piece (or flip through below), and share with your communities, conspirators, and collaborators. Together, we are advancing liberation.